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Dragon Ball Z Qi Qi Cosplay Kostyme Karneval

Dragon Ball Z Qi Qi Cosplay Kostyme Karneval(YDC609)

Liste Pris:  Nkr901.33  
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27% OFF

Monkey living alone in the mountains of the Sun Wukong, the event of the Dragon Boat girl scientists to collect the Boolean Ma, Bourma to get Goku has four stars and seven with Pearl Gordon Wukong set foot on the journey to find the Dragon Ball. (Sun Wufan) training martial arts, so Wukong to find seven Dragon Ball repeatedly defeated evil during the bad guys, and met the Oolong, Leping, turtle fairy, cattle devil And her daughter Kiki and other friends. In the search for the last one Dragon Ball broke into the castle of Pilaf, then Goku due to full moon and turned into a great apes, was cut off the tail, seven Dragon Ball also due to Wishing Wishing and scattered.
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